How to Make an Adventure Map In Minecraft?

In this module, students design and create an adventure map in Minecraft that can be shared with others. It’s a great way to share a Minecraft story, creating a world for others to explore and for creative game users. Check out these Minecraft maps for some examples of what you can create!
Table of Contents
Learning goals
Give a visual picture, how commands work in computers, and how a command is used to create creations, such as adventure maps.
Vocabulary I
- Mojang – This is the company that invented Minecraft.
- Notch – Man, who originally created Minecraft.
- W A S D – Keyboard keys used by gamers on PC or laptops to move characters.
- Adventure card – A world where players can complete quests with puzzles.
- Inventory – This is where player items are stored and made accessible with the click of a button on a remote, keyboard, or keyboard shortcut bar.
- Keyboard shortcut bar – The row of nine slots at the bottom of a player’s screen where they can easily access their items.
- Strike/attack – When a player hits a thing such as grass or dirt or attacks a mob.
- Mining – Hit or attack a block to get gravel or stone. It will complete with a pickaxe.
- Biomes – It means different areas like a forest, desert, beach, jungle, etc.
- Agriculture – For harvesting and cultivating various foods or ingredients such as wheat or beets.
- A block – An item from your inventory that you can put into the world, e.g., B. a block of dirt, cobblestones, gravel, boards, etc. The shape like a cube.
- Brew – Make a potion, use a brew stand, and fill it in glass bottles.
- Chest – In a place where you can store materials that you don’t have room for in your inventory or that you don’t currently need.
- Arts and crafts – It helps us to know How to create an item using a craft book or craft table. You must have the items or materials in your chest to exercise something else, such as B. the use of oak boards to make wooden swords or pickaxes.
Vocabulary II
- Crafting table – Some players use it as an easy way to craft items. It contains recipes and six additional slots for your craft menu.
- Oven – The purpose of it, for heating, baking, and making certain items such as meat and glass.
- Creepers – It means a monster that follows characters and explodes, injuring or killing your player and the world about them.
- Zombies – A shared mob in Minecraft, including skeletons, spiders, jellies, and more.
- Dungeon – It means a particular area in caves that contains chests and other free items but is rarely found.
- Monster – A code that a player created to change something in the game, e.g., B. add a map or create new enemies.
- Enderdragon – It means a boss who finishes the game in the Netherlands.
- The Netherlands – A world where you can create a portal that Enderdragon or Enderman can fight or explore.
- Modifications – A code that a player has twisted to change something in the game, for example, B. add a card or create new enemies.
- Texture packs – These are used by players who wish to change the appearance of materials and items in the game. These will be downloaded and added to the player’s resource pack folder.
- Resource pack folder – On the start screen or in the options menu, players can add their texture packs, mods, and shaders to a resource folder.
- Shader packs – Used by gamers to make Minecraft look different, e.g., B. to make water, sun, and night look realistic.
Vocabulary III
- Portal – It means a special door that takes players to another world.
- PvP – Player versus player.
- Seed – Used to mechanically transport a player to a jungle, mesa, mushroom island, etc. The past in a game via Creative Mode> Options> Copy / Paste a seed in the bar.
- Skin – Used to change the advent of your character. It can be downloaded online or created yourself.
- Server – Can be added from the Multiplayer tab on the Minecraft home screen. Server names are if online, or you can create your own. It includes mini-games and a different world for players who want to interact with other players.
- Order – To enter a command in the text line, switch from survival to creation, weather, day to night, and other styles.
- Spawn – The state in which you arrive, a new world, comes to life. When you die, Minecraft will ask if you want to “respawn.”
- Tools – Items that you use to craft or attack items such as sword, ax, shovel, etc.
- Vanilla Minecraft – The standard version of Minecraft that has no mods, resource packs, or shaders installed.
- Tips/hacks – Used in commands. For example, the command “/ toggledownfall” stops the rain, “/ time set day” sets the mode today and “/ gamemode 1” puts the game in creative mode.
- Command blocks – A block where players can type commands. Command blocks can trigger to carry out their commands via redstone mechanisms. The blocks can also be integrated into circuits. The forward-slash (/) is used to enter commands in Minecraft using the chat box. Note: This requires notifications to turn on, which are on by default when the world starts in Creative Mode, e.g., B. “/ gamemode 1”.
- Game mode – There are four different game modes in Minecraft, except “Hardcore.” To change the mode, enter “/ gamemode” with one of the next figures or words. 0 = survival 1 = original 2 = adventure 3 = spectator
- Red stone – Minecraft’s “electronics” can be used to build circuits, but more importantly, they can be used to trigger command blocks to execute their commands.
Important orders:
- / tp teleports the player in an organized [and yaw ↔ and pitch ↕] to point the player in a certain direction.
- / summon creates an entity.
- I give items to players.
- / help explains how to use the command with which it is associated. For example, type/help summon to explain how the summon command works.
Leading questions
- Has either of you ever played a Minecraft adventure map?
- Have to make an adventure map in Minecraft?
- What sympathetic of adventure would you like to see in Minecraft?
Curriculum links
There is no shortage of ways to associate a Minecraft adventure map with the program. Teachers can create an adventure map to help students explore a topic they are learning in class. Example, create a map to study how people adapt to their environment, the effects of a natural disaster, or how to study their history and culture. When students create their own adventure map, they are intrinsically involve in storytelling, coding, and inquiry-base learning.
- Minecraft: Java Edition – Download Minecraft
- A computer with a keyboard and mouse
- An example of an adventure card
- List of belongings that can be/summon [ed] and / give [n] (for / summon you to need a list of entities in Minecraft)
- Cheat sheet written on whiteboard or graph paper
Non-IT activity
Plan your adventure map
- Find sample adventure cards for students to consider a variety of options for their cards. (See additional resources for websites with examples)
- Teachers can choose a theme for students to create their map around.
- Think of some adventure game ideas and write them downcast on a whiteboard or flipchart.
- Have students work in sets to design their adventure cards on paper and write a story for their adventure. You have 5 to 10 minutes to plan your adventure map.
- Let each team share their idea for an adventure map with the rest of the group.
- Students can benefit from the coordinate game where they learn about the X and Y coordinates. It is an essential part of using commands with sprites. However, the differences in Minecraft are:
- Entities (all moving objects in Minecraft) are similar to sprites.
- There is another “Z” coordinate (north/south), and the “Y” coordinate corresponds to the altitude (instead of north/south).
IT activity
How to make an adventure map in Minecraft
- Leave the keywords/codes/cheat sheets on the board for reference.
- If students are unfamiliar with Minecraft, start with some basic building techniques and experiment with the following commands:
- Redstone command blocks and repeaters.
- I give orders.
- / Summoning orders.
- Now have the students use these commands to begin creating their map. Allow sufficient time for one-on-one support to help students answer their questions.
Play each other’s games and provide feedback.