Will robots rule the world in future: The Future of Robotics

Will robots rule the world in future: Imagine that robots rule the world, that they have dominated humans, and that humans now work as their slaves. All this happened after humanity’s great war against robots, in which humans lost to them.
From ancient stories about stone golems to science fiction films, robots have captivated the human mind for ages. A robot is an automatically controlled machine that may or may not have a humanoid/animal appearance and is programmed to perform specific tasks.
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The development of robots and robotics: The beginnings of robotics
The Egyptian water clock is one of the most primitive robotic inventions and was invented in 1500 BC. Invented BC. Developed. What was remarkable about this invention was not the use of water to tell time. But the power of water in the clock, which used human figures to ring the hour bells. In 400 B.C. In 400 B.C. In 400 BC, the Greek mathematician Archytas invented a wooden flying dove, a mechanical, steam-powered bird. Leonardo da Vinci was another remarkable mind in the field of technology. In 1495, he designed and built what we know today as the “Robot Knight.” In addition to sitting and standing, this robot could also move its arms using pulleys and cables.
Will robots rule the world in future: Advances in automation
Modern automation emerged in the 17th century when French inventor Jacques de Vaucanson invented three automatons, the first two of which could play the flute, tambourine, and drum, while the third was a duck that could flap its wings, to chat, to move and move. even to eat. In 1810, German Friedrich Kauffman designed a soldier-like robot capable of blowing trumpets using automatic bellows.
Growth of robotics and artificial intelligence
Many companies around the world are working on artificial intelligence and robotics. Boston Dynamics is one of the companies making rapid progress in the field of artificial intelligence. They are now able to make robots dance in sync, just like skilled human dancers. Although it sounds pretty funny, her team had to work hard to make the film the way it will be presented to the world in video form. Many companies are now working on developing robots with human-like characteristics. Thanks to AI techniques, they can analyze the situation, talk to us, respond to our requests and thus carry out certain work, especially in the field of manufacturing and quality control in various industries such as automotive, electronics and processing. (Will robots rule the world in future)
Growth of robotics
The robotics market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 18.2% between 2020 and 2025, from $76.6 billion to $176.8 billion during this forecast period. The growth of the robotics industry is due to the remarkable contribution of technology and associated component suppliers in this field, as well as the research of the institutes. Work is underway to make industrial robots more affordable so that businesses can see a return on investment in months rather than ten years.
Growth of artificial intelligence
As an industry, artificial intelligence also has a strong impact on the economy. According to International Data Corporation, it is expected to reach $327.5 billion in 2021 (16.4% YoY). This market is expected to reach $500 billion by the end of 2024, with a compound annual growth rate of 17.5%. According to IDC, software, AI applications & AI software platforms are the three technology categories of which the AI software platform market is expected to experience the highest growth, with an average growth rate of 32.7%.
However, the theoretical concept of an AI takeover of the world raises fears that control of this planet could pass from human to human if artificial intelligence proves to be the primary form of intelligence in the world, equipped with robots and efficient computer programs.
An optimistic approach: Robots will not govern, But will support
However, optimists dispute this prediction of a world ruled by robots. Rather, they foresee a new paradise where people will enjoy perfect lives while robot partners satisfy their basic needs and overcome their annoying problems. They believe that robots bring many benefits to a workplace that needs to ensure smooth and consistent operations over a long period of time.
For example: Robots can replace humans in certain unsafe working conditions that pose a safety risk to humans, such as: E.g. when lifting heavy loads, working in areas with high temperatures, handling sharp products, areas with high noise levels, workplaces with toxic gas emissions, etc.
Robots are more consistent in performing a task than humans because they are programmed to perform a task the same way every time. Robots can accomplish a task faster and more accurately than humans can accomplish the same task. Smaller differences can be expected when the same task is performed by robots and humans.
Robots can perform some emotionless tasks that humans don’t like to do, such as: E.g. dirty work, boring work, or work that requires continuous concentration.
Robots can create more IT-related jobs. Additionally, this technological rush will result in the need for skilled workers to assemble, program, maintain/repair, and upgrade their programs.
Therefore, according to optimists, robots will only replace humans in some risky jobs where dangers are involved. And they will assist humans in some laborious jobs, so that humans can concentrate more on creative tasks. Therefore, optimists believe that advances in artificial intelligence will only improve our standard of living in the future. And it makes our lives much more comfortable thanks to robots.
Health and safety risks associated with robotics
In the industry where more machines/robots are used, certain policies need to be developed to allow workers to work with robots on the same floor.
An unforeseen risk of robots is software errors that can lead to major disasters. Especially on production floors where people work side by side with robots. It is necessary to increase a person’s self-confidence when working in such conditions. And to take the necessary measures in a timely manner in the event of such an incident.
Monitoring the actions performed by robots in an automated system. It should require trained vigilance personnel, as stopping such a system is difficult and can cause significant damage.
When switching to technology, a very precise mechanism must be applied because a small error in the software. Be it in programming or in application, can become a big risk for the product or the user.
The risk of confidential data breach is always associated with technological advances. Robotics requires storing more data and the potential risk is then associated with data theft.
The future can undoubtedly be projected with next level robots, super intelligent, powerful & equipped with all the desired needs. So why will they try to rule over people? In my opinion, it is a human desire to gain power and rule over others. Robots can be used for the benefit of humanity. Their intelligence can be used to overcome some global problems. Problems such as electricity generation, global warming, better utilization of natural resources and better agricultural practices, etc.
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